Capel Brand Story

For years, we searched for the magic flavor we desire in every smokeā€¦ We wanted to discover our elixir of pleasure with the taste of fruits and spices. As we imagined the magic of flavors, we always created something better. We have carefully selected all the ingredients in our hat while transforming the old traditional tastes into new generation and original flavors with a touch of a wand. It’s time to get on the stage! Take your place at the front of the stage to be a part of the show with our special series tastes and magical flavors.

We have turned Capel Tobaccos, which we have prepared with care and passion at every stage, into a taste show. We added an unusual character to hookah flavors, which are indispensable for pleasant moments. Now we took the stage with the freedom in our cloak, the nobility in our hat and the courage in our wand for a completely different hookah experience. As Capel, we have reserved you at the forefront in this unique show journey. Are you ready to discover the magic flavor coming from the smoke together on this journey where we will continue to discover mysterious tastes?